Install NodeJS on Linux (manually)

If you are unable to install NodeJS the traditional way by a package manager then you can follow the below steps which include some very easy to follow steps.
1. Download the LTS version of NodeJS as tar ball (.tar.xz) from the downloads page of Official NodeJS website.
2. Extract the files
$ sudo tar -xvf node-vx.x.x-linux-x64.tar.xz
3. cd in to the extracted directory and copy the ‘bin’ folder contents into /usr/bin
$ sudo cp -r bin/* /usr/bin
4. cd in to the extracted directory and copy the ‘lib’ folder contents into /usr/lib
$ sudo cp -r lib/* /usr/lib
Now you can test the binaries with the following commands
$ node -v
$ npm -v
$ npx -v
This should respond you with the installed version information of the binaries.
As always open to any corrections or changes. Or a friendly discussion. :)
Tested on Ubuntu — basically I have copied all the necessary files in the directories which are already in the PATH variable.